Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 4: Heart Staff Party

A few of the guys enjoying the party!

  Yahoo!  We had the opportunity to love and honor the Heart staff with a hawaiian luau party.  The food was catered from their favorite place, everyone wore lei's and we all played games together.  It was super fun.  We played basic games like UNO, domino's and phase 1.  It's interesting as I asked if they play games like cards or board games with their families.  They all said no.  So it was a blast to teach them UNO.  As we sat around the table, we chatted about basic cultural differences.  Like things Americans can talk about and things Kenyan's do not.  For instance, one of the staff members, Deborah is single.  I asked her if she has a boyfriend, how old she know me, I'm not shy when asking questions!  They all started laughing and told me they don't discuss things like that.  I got to know another staff member, Rachel, a mom of three.  Her son is in 7th grade and at a boarding school.  She can see him for 4 hours one Saturday a month.  She said it has been hard and that she misses him.  :(  Wow!  I can't imagine.  We also started talking about how and when you have the "sex" talk with your kids.  Really??  These things are universal between moms.  :)  I just love how God works, bringing us all together even if we live half way around the world!  We also played musical chairs and the egg on the spoon relay race.  Games they had never played before.  Unbelievable how a basic game can be extremely fun in any part of the world.  They had a blast.  The Heart staff has Christmas parties, but they have never had a party just to honor them.  The Heart staff is filled with God honoring, fun loving people.  When guests come into the lodge from a day at the slums, they are weary, sad and trying to process what they just saw.  However, the Heart staff greets you with a smile, lifts your spirits and has a hot meal.  So inviting, so loving and such a place to be refreshed.  Jeanne spoke encouragement to the staff, to lift them up and to encourage them to continue to be faithful to Heart and God's calling.  It was a wonderful day.

Musical chairs at it's best!!


The girls winning team. :)

Luau ready!!

Sara and Charmain...say cheese!