Frieda's counter. Love the Bible with stuffed animal on top.
We walked through the Ngong slums to the Dorcus' house. She is a graduate from last year who is doing very well in her sewing business. In fact she took the money we gave her last year and bought her old house, rents it out and bought this new house. It has 3 10X10 rooms! Has a little fenced in yard too! She is very well off in the slums. Walking to her house was sad. Here I had left Frieda with worry. Wondering how she will have the energy to feed her boys tonight. Scared her boys will be worried about their mom tonight as they listen to her cough. I saw kids playing with wires in their mouths. A baby with no shoes walking around in the dirt and playing with rusted metal. Glass was everywhere and tears ran down my face thinking of my babies walking in this, playing in this filth and this being the best their life will be. Ugh...Don't we all just want kids who do well?? Makes me wonder what the definition of success is. Is it having all the nice things, saying the right things, looking the right way etc.? or is it to reach out and help the widows and orphans who are crying out for help? If my kids walked through any slum would I want them to reach out and help? What kind of example am I if I can't do what I would long for them to do? What Christ asks us to do.
Ok, gotta get my thoughts together ...Dorcus. She is a mom of 7. Yep, 7! She is super woman for sure. She has had cancer, AIDS and just after a few months of her husband passing away, her twin boys passed away. She has lost her voice box and talks though a machine. She has been robbed and worked hard enough to replace all that she has lost. She has become a mentor for the younger ladies at Heart. She was proud to have us at her home and she grinned from ear to ear. Still hearing all of her heartache, I couldn't believe she was smiling so big, so full of life and so full of hope. You see, last year, I remember praying for her before she went into a pretty risky surgery. Tears ran down my cheeks as I heard her story. God is obviously not down with her yet! So incredibly proud of her. How can you not get discouraged with all of that heartache? What keeps you pressing forward? Fighting? Hope for a better life and a belief that with God she could put one foot in front of the other. So she lived one day at a time. Incredibly inspirational.
What an amazing day!! The women touched my heart. They certainly shined through their troubles, worries and fought to be who God created them to be. Will I have this strength? I may not have the same worries. I may not be as sick. But we are both moms hoping to raise kids who love and know God. I pray I can shine as much as these women shine for Christ in the midst of struggle, sadness and worry. Made me think of how many times I've been discouraged or sad. Did I look up to gain strength? or look down and loose the strength that I had? Dorcus continues to look up to the brightly lit light. This light that she knows and believes will give her strength. Even if the light is dimly lit, it's still lit and requires me to look past the clouds. Good thing I serve a God who always leaves the light on. :) A little motel six for ya. :))
Here are some pic's from the slums...