Friday, September 28, 2012

Good bye...

It’s just hard to say good-bye…

  There really is no easy way to say good-bye.  I thought for sure it would be easier because I have “been there, done that”.  Not so much.  My family has graciously loved me during these last few months of preparation for the trip.  It made me think of a puzzles we put together.  We need each piece to put the entire puzzle together.  If one piece is missing, the puzzle is incomplete.  Paul, the kids and myself have all been given a different pieces of the Brust family puzzle.   The pieces may change with different experiences or situations, but each piece is vital to the puzzle.  It wasn’t their call from God to go, but they sure picked up the pieces to help with my call from the Lord.  All to help me and to bring Him glory.  For that I’m truly grateful and can not find words to express their my heartfelt thanks.  I did find a verse…1 Corinthians 12:27 “Only as you accept your part of that body does your “part” mean anything.”  This “part” the author, Paul, is talking about is being a part of the body of Christ.   You may have a different part at various times in your life, a leader, a student, a teacher, a follower, a child, a parent etc.  But accepting your role in the situation is what brings it meaning.  You see, Paul and our kids have loved me, understood when I had to “work” for Africa and continued to believe that I could “do this again” even when I became weary.  They would remind me of the reason’s God was sending me, to keep trusting the details would work out and that I was equipped to do this.  Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a family with these 4 amazing individuals! 

  When praying, talking and crying, as a family, Billy gave me a giant hug and said “this is the kind of hug you need to give the ladies in Africa.  And tell them it’s from me.”  Oh my goodness.  Tears, tears and more tears.  All tears of joy and excitement, thrilled to have time doing God’s work, to see Him at work and to be with His children.  I pray that I can use my puzzle piece to the best I know how all to bring Him glory.  

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie you babies have gotten so big.. Time has flown by, and I'm in such awe of what God has been working on in your lives!
