Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 1: Park Day

  Wow...What a day!  We went to Paradise Lost park to meet several of the ladies and their children.  This is a special treat for these families as they only go to this park once a year!  It is expensive for these families, $3 for adults and $2 for kids.  Paradise Lost offers boat rides, waterfalls, caves and camel rides.  Yep, camel rides!

  The best part of the day was getting off the bus and seeing the ladies who I had met last year.  The ladies were singing as I was walking over to give hugs and when I made eye contact with them, big smiles appeared on their faces.  I had tears coming everywhere as I gave each of them big giant "Billy" hugs.  They said we prayed it was you coming back.  Really?  Wow!  I kept saying, "I told you I would share your stories with my friends and I brought 9 other friends back with me!".  
  We provided crafts and games for their children while the mom's had a bible study time together.  Katie Clothier shared from her heart about how to speak encouraging words into your children.  We had lunch together and were able to enjoy the park with the women and their children.  It was so terrific seeing my mom friends again and share a fun day with them.

My friends who changed my perspective on life!  We made funny faces. :)

This little guy wanted me to take photo's of him.  :)

This little girl played with my hair most of the time at the boats.  Such a love.  

My friends Everlyn and Beatrice.  An absolute joy to see them again!

Who knew scratch crosses would be such a huge hit??

  Last year I visited a lady, Mary, who was super sick and unable to get out of her bed.  Heart came in and took care of her medical needs, her rent, paid for her children's school, food for the family and mentored her as she got better.  Today, I got to see Mary at the park with her children!  Amazing!  To see her well and enjoying a day with her family is remarkable.  Mary is a true testament to the great things Heart continues to do for these widowed mothers.  I kept thinking, these mom's are just like me.  They enjoy time with their friends, want to know more about Christ, laugh, cry and want the best for their kids.  We might be half way around the world from one another and have different color skin, but we are just like sisters...sisters in Christ.   


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